Business Consultancy labs offers business consultancy prior to a company's founding as well as in day-to-day business. We have a broad understanding of business consultancy. is your competent partner especially in the following fields:


We comprise strategic marketing plans for our customers including well-founded calculations for marketing expenses and expected customer revenues, in addition to application-oriented measures. Thus, our marketing plans are suitable for presentation to financial institutions and investors or within the framework of a business plan.

Business Administration

Our partner law firm specializing in the field of healthcare (business administration/tax issues) develops detailed calculations and forecasts and will advise you with regard to all relevant aspects.

Healthcare institutions:  Clinic and practice management

In close cooperation with our health economist (Dipl. / manager of a private clinic) we offer detailed consultation and tested know-how regarding the establishing and management of successful and effective clinics and practices.

Private clinic and practice: Organization/Process Management

Details are often crucial in determining how smoothly internal processes run and how effectively customers are dealt with. We analyze and optimize for our clients problem fields in day-to-day business. Newly founded institutions benefit from our in-depth knowledge and consultation regarding the organization and further development of private clinics and practices.